

for Saturdays

Via Matris Dolorosa -- Our Mother's Cross Path of Sorrows
"May we never let the memory grow dim of our Mother's agonies!"

Act of Contrition
Dearest Mother, I am filled with remorse at having offended thy beloved Son, my Lord and my God. The sins by which I bruised His Body have been the swords which pierce thy Heart. I repent and am resolved never to cause thee sorrow again. Help me with thy strength, fill me with a ray of thy beauty.

The First Sorrow
Mary Hears the Prophecy of Simeon

O Virgin most sorrowful, by the bitter pain thy soul suffered when, presenting thy Son Jesus in the Temple, thou didst hear the prophetic words of Simeon: "Behold, this Child is set for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted, and thine own soul a sword shall pierce, that out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed", I ask of thee this mercy-that the infinite merits of Jesus may not be in vain nor unfruitful for me through my negligence.
Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

O Heart most pure of the blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for me from Jesus a pure and humble heart! Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!

The Second Sorrow
Mary Flees with Her Son into Egypt

O Virgin most sorrowful, Mary, Mother of God, when thou didst learn from St. Joseph the Angel's warning, thou hadst to rise at night and flee into Egypt to save thy Divine Infant Son from the murderous plot of Herod. I pray thee by the fears and anxieties of that dangerous journey and by the hardships of thy years of exile in pagan Egypt, to keep me in thy motherly care, that like thee I may always bow to God's holy Will.

Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

My Queen, my Mother, I consecrate to thee my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self; O loving Mother, as I am now thine own, keep me, defend me as thy property and possession.

The Third Sorrow
The Three Days Loss of Jesus

O Virgin most Sorrowful, thy Heart was entombed in appalling darkness during the three days' loss of Jesus; by the weariness and anxiety of thy three full days search for thy Son, may I never lose Jesus by driving Him by sin from my immortal soul.

Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin Mary.

The Fourth Sorrow
Mary Meets Jesus Carrying His Cross

O Virgin most sorrowful, only the Angels could fathom the depth of thy sorrow as thou didst meet thy Son on the way to Calvary; thou didst see agony in His Eyes, His thorn-crowned Head, His scourged Body streaming with Blood and staggering under the Cross on which He willed to be crucified for my salvation. Obtain for me strength and courage to follow my Redeemer with thee on the way of the Cross, and to submit myself willingly, confidently, to whatsoever task He may give me, seeking no other reward than to know I am doing His Divine Will.
Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

Holy Mother, pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Savior Crucified!

The Fifth Sorrow
Mary Witnesses the Death Agony of Jesus

 Fifth SorrowO Virgin most sorrowful, my sweet Mother, at the Cross thou wert left to me to be my Mother as the last gift of thy dying Son. By the unspeakable pangs thou didst suffer at the foot of the Cross, when, after three hours of Agony, thou didst hear thy reviled and abandoned Son commend His Spirit into the Hands of His Heavenly Father, obtain for me the privilege to value suffering and to know and serve thee as my own dear Mother.

Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give Thee my heart and my soul!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with Thee!

** Seventh Sorrow **The Sixth Sorrow
Mary Receives the Crucified Body of Jesus from the Cross

O Virgin most sorrowful, by the bitter grief which afflicted thee when the outraged Body of thy Son was taken from the Cross and laid in thine arms, thou didst note in all its detail the terrible torment my sins caused Him, soften my ungrateful heart; may I piercingly, overwhelmingly hate sin and grieve with thee in thy sorrows.

Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

The Seventh Sorrow
Jesus Is Laid in the Sepulchre

O Virgin most sorrowful, whose Heart was charged with bitter desolation when the lifeless Body of thy Son was laid in the sepulchre, grant that the memory of His Passion and Death be deeply engraved upon my mind, and my heart be fired with love for Him and for thee. May I use the knowledge that His Crucifixion and thy sword-pierced Heart are the price of entrance into Heaven of the Poor Souls in Purgatory!

Our Father, once; Hail Mary, seven times.
O Mother most sorrowful, pray for us!

V. Deign that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin.
R. Give me strength against thy enemies!